Apache OpenNLP 1.8.0 发布,自然语言处理工具
POS Tagger context generator now supports feature generation XML
Add a Name Finder feature generator that adds POS Tag features
Add CONLL-U format support
Improve default Name Finder settings
TokenNameFinderEvaluator CLI now support nameTypes argument
Stupid backoff is now the default in NGramLanguageModel
Language codes now are ISO 639-3 compliant
Add many unit tests
Distribution package now includes example parameters file
Now prefix and suffix feature generators are configurable
Remove API in Document Categorizer for user specified tokenizer
Learnable lemmatizer now returns all possible lemmas for a given word and pos tag
Lemmatizer API backward compatibility break: no need to encode/decode lemmas anymore, now LemmatizerME lemmatize method returns the actual lemma
Add stemmer, detokenizer and sentence detection abbreviations for Irish
Chunker SequenceValidator signature changed to allow access to both token and POS tag
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