PHP 7.0.2 正式版发布
七年以来,PHP一直是第四大最流行的编程语言,驱动全球超过2亿多个网站,全球超过81.7%的公共网站在服务器端采用PHP。PHP在这个星期有了自2004年以来最大的飞跃,因为PHP 7已经发布。PHP 7最大特色是极大地改进了性能,在一些WordPress基准测试当中,性能可以达到PHP 5.6的3倍。
PHP 7还有其他一些比较小的改进,比如显著减少内存使用,添加返回类型声明等等功能。PHP 7包含了一些重大安全改进,如除去PHP安全模式,添加魔术引号,有一些新的保留关键字等等。这意味着像WordPress等Web应用程序需要局部重新设计,以便为PHP 7发布做好准备,现在WordPress看起来已经完全兼容PHP 7。
虽然PHP 7已经发布,但是广泛采用还需要数年之久,Web应用,特别是针对企业的Web应用,要花费几年时间才能升级到新版本平台。然而,很多Web开发人员都认为,PHP 7巨大的性能改进对他们很有吸引力。
Version 7.0.2
- Core:
- Fixed bug #71165 (-DGC_BENCH=1 doesn't work on PHP7).
- Fixed bug #71163 (Segmentation Fault: cleanup_unfinished_calls).
- Fixed bug #71109 (ZEND_MOD_CONFLICTS("xdebug") doesn't work).
- Fixed bug #71092 (Segmentation fault with return type hinting).
- Fixed bug memleak in header_register_callback.
- Fixed bug #71067 (Local object in class method stays in memory for each call).
- Fixed bug #66909 (configure fails utf8_to_mutf7 test).
- Fixed bug #70781 (Extension tests fail on dynamic ext dependency).
- Fixed bug #71089 (No check to duplicate zend_extension).
- Fixed bug #71086 (Invalid numeric literal parse error within highlight_string() function).
- Fixed bug #71154 (Incorrect HT iterator invalidation causes iterator reuse).
- Fixed bug #52355 (Negating zero does not produce negative zero).
- Fixed bug #66179 (var_export() exports float as integer).
- Fixed bug #70804 (Unary add on negative zero produces positive zero).
- Fixed bug #71144 (Sementation fault when using cURL with ZTS).
- DBA:
- Fixed key leak with invalid resource.
- Filter:
- Fixed bug #71063 (filter_input(INPUT_ENV, ..) does not work).
- FTP:
- Implemented FR #55651 (Option to ignore the returned FTP PASV address).
- FPM:
- Fixed bug #70755 (fpm_log.c memory leak and buffer overflow).
- GD:
- Fixed bug #70976 (Memory Read via gdImageRotateInterpolated Array Index Out of Bounds).
- Mbstring:
- Fixed bug #71066 (mb_send_mail: Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault).
- Opcache:
- Fixed bug #71127 (Define in auto_prepend_file is overwrite).
- Fixed bug #71178 (preg_replace with arrays creates [0] in replace array if not already set).
- Readline:
- Fixed bug #71094 (readline_completion_function corrupts static array on second TAB).
- Session:
- Fixed bug #71122 (Session GC may not remove obsolete session data).
- SPL:
- Fixed bug #71077 (ReflectionMethod for ArrayObject constructor returns wrong number of parameters).
- Fixed bug #71153 (Performance Degradation in ArrayIterator with large arrays).
- Standard:
- Fixed bug #71270 (Heap BufferOver Flow in escapeshell functions).
- Fixed bug #70661 (Use After Free Vulnerability in WDDX Packet Deserialization).
- Fixed bug #70741 (Session WDDX Packet Deserialization Type Confusion Vulnerability).
- Fixed bug #70728 (Type Confusion Vulnerability in PHP_to_XMLRPC_worker).
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