北京市西城区实验小学(南菜园小学) 纠错
- 官网地址:www.xwncyxx.com
- 学校地址:北京市宣武区菜园街28号
- 联系电话:010-63542857
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南菜园小学简介 北京市宣武区南菜园小学位于著名的大观园北侧,建于1955年,现有12个教学班,近400名学生,40名教师,其中39名教师是大专及以上学历。 学校把“促进师生发展,办人民满意学校”作为立校之本。在全面贯彻党的教育方针的基础上,坚持“德育为先导,教学为主线,全面育人为目的,办有特色为突破”的办学思路。 我校二十多年坚持“以雷锋精神兴校育人”,坚持用雷锋的高尚品质、伟大的人格魅力去塑造师生的健康人格;坚持将课堂教学和社会实践作为根本途径,不断提高学校德育的实效性;坚持把学校、家庭、社会共同参与、相互配合作为根本举措,切实增强德育工作的合力,促进学校不断提高基础教育质量! Nancaiyuan Primary School is in the north of Daguanyuan party, It was founded in 1955. Currently, It has 12 classes with more than 400 students and 40 teachers, among them 39 teachers had graduated from university, account for 97.5% of total number. Our school promotes teachers and the students developing, have satisfied with us is the basic aim of the school. The line on the basis putting Party"s educational policy into effect all round, insisting that "moral education is a guide , teaching is the main task, making own characteristics”. 学校地址 宣武区菜园街28号 邮政编码 100053 联系电话 63562001 学校网址 www.xwncyxx.com