沈阳市望花街第三小学 纠错
- 官网地址:www.wh3.syn.cn
- 学校地址:辽宁省沈阳市大东区文东街28号
- 联系电话:024-88262775
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- 办学层次:-
心竭力创建老百姓身边的优质学校Make concerted efforts to create a quality school around the people “花文化”焕发学校生命活力"Flower culture" full of vitality of the school life望花三校1958年建校,No.3 Wanghua Primary School was founded in 1958。它是一所历史悠久,办学规范,有着良好的校风、教风和学风的学校。It is a school which has a long history, standard, good spirit and teaching style.目前学校操场面积11800平方米,教学楼建筑面积3997平方米。At present, the school has the playground area of 11800 square meters, teaching building construction area of 3997 square meters.在办学过程中,我们坚持让每一朵花都开放的思想,通过全体老师不断探索,学校确定了“创办时代期望的教育、绽放学子花样的年华”的办学理念,从而确立了,创建小而精、具特色、家长满意度高的,凸显书香味、花园式、现代化特质的百姓身边的优质学校的办学目标。号召每位教师都去精心呵护、培养每一个学生,使教育为学生发展提供有效动力。In the running process, we insist on a thought that every flower is a soul blossoming. We determine a teaching idea "founding era education expectations, blooming students’ figure " through all the teacher continuously explore .Thus we established a running goal that create small and exquisite, unique, parents satisfaction high, highlight book fragrance, garden, modern quality school. Call for every teacher to care, train each student, make the education development provide effective power for students.为了更好地将学校工作有序开展,我们通过全校师生共同探索,努力,我们确立了以“花文化”为核心的校园文化体系,来引领学校的全面工作,并取得了较好的效果。“花”文化体系焕发学校生命力。学校的花文化体系由“花田环境、花悦课堂,花香德育、花开课程、花匠团队”五个部分组成。涉及到学校的教学改革、课程建设、德育活动、教师团队建设、学校基础建设及安全等各方面工作。In order to better the school work orderly, we have established a "culture" as the core of campus culture system through the entire school teachers and students explore to lead the school"s comprehensive work, and good results have been achieved. "Flower" cultural system is full of school life. School flower culture system is consist of "flowers field environment, classroom, fragrance of moral education, curriculum, the gardener flowers team". Involve the school"s teaching reform, curriculum construction, moral education activities, the teacher team construction, the school in areas such as infrastructure and security work.学校有着规范高效的管理体系,积极运用精细化管理理念管理学校工作。并与沈阳市七彩生活心理咨询中心共同签订了“学校教职工、学生、家长心理帮扶计划??(EAP项目计划书)。还与与沈阳婚姻家庭咨询师协会联手,成为辽宁省辽海讲坛分会场以及沈阳市社会科学普及基地,进行“关爱农民工子女家庭教育”专项推广,提供更大更有效的家校合作的平台。School has a standard and efficient management system, and actively using the elaborating management idea actively to manage school work. And signed with the Colorful Life Counseling Center in Shenyang - EAP project plan. Also teamed up with the Shenyang Marriage and Family Counselor Association, become a social science popularization base in forum venue in Shenyang, Lliaoning province. Promote " care for migrant children family education ", provide more effective parent-school cooperative platform.望花三校的办学始终坚信没有最好只有更好的座右铭,向着社会满意,家长满意、师生满意的方向不断迈进。We have always firmly believed that there is no best only better. Walk towards social satisfaction, parents satisfaction, and the teachers and students satisfaction.