熟悉扎克伯格的人都知道,每到新年伊始,扎克伯格都会给自己设定一个Personal Challenge,从2009年开始到现在,他会坚持给自己列出一系列挑战自己的难题并完成。
2009年,全球金融海啸下,Facebook还没有实现持续盈利,扎克伯格的Personal Challenge是每天戴领带上班,以提醒自己“认真对待”。于是,一整年,在每天拖鞋T恤的硅谷,小扎成为了西装革履的“异类”。
2010年,小扎的Personal Challenge是学习汉语。这一挑战相比打领带更难,但显然小扎完成的非常不错,去年到访清华时,小扎已经可以用中文发表演讲,甚至接受采访了。
2011年,小扎的Personal Challenge是做一名“素食者”,以减少对动物的伤害。
2013年,扎克伯格Personal Challenge是每天跟除脸书员工之外的不同的人见面。
2014年,扎克伯格Personal Challenge是每天写封感谢信。
2015年,扎克伯格Personal Challenge是每个月读两本书,重点学习不同的文化、信仰、历史和科技。
2016年1月初,扎克伯格Personal Challenge是开发一款私人家庭AI系统,这一想法来自《钢铁侠》。
2017年,扎克伯格Personal Challenge是是要拜访美国每一个州,与那里的人会面交流。这个新年挑战一出来,就有网友开玩笑称,小扎是在为竞选总统做准备吗。
Every year I take on a personal challenge to learn something new. I've visited every US state, run 365 miles, built an AI for my home, read 25 books, and learned Mandarin.
I started doing these challenges in 2009. That first year the economy was in a deep recession and Facebook was not yet profitable. We needed to get serious about making sure Facebook had a sustainable business model. It was a serious year, and I wore a tie every day as a reminder.
Today feels a lot like that first year. The world feels anxious and divided, and Facebook has a lot of work to do -- whether it's protecting our community from abuse and hate, defending against interference by nation states, or making sure that time spent on Facebook is time well spent.
My personal challenge for 2018 is to focus on fixing these important issues. We won't prevent all mistakes or abuse, but we currently make too many errors enforcing our policies and preventing misuse of our tools. If we're successful this year then we'll end 2018 on a much better trajectory.
This may not seem like a personal challenge on its face, but I think I'll learn more by focusing intensely on these issues than I would by doing something completely separate. These issues touch on questions of history, civics, political philosophy, media, government, and of course technology. I'm looking forward to bringing groups of experts together to discuss and help work through these topics.
For example, one of the most interesting questions in technology right now is about centralization vs decentralization. A lot of us got into technology because we believe it can be a decentralizing force that puts more power in people's hands. (The first four words of Facebook's mission have always been "give people the power".) Back in the 1990s and 2000s, most people believed technology would be a decentralizing force.
But today, many people have lost faith in that promise. With the rise of a small number of big tech companies — and governments using technology to watch their citizens — many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it.
早在20世纪90年代和2000年左右,大多数人认为技术将是一个分权化的力量。 但今天,很多人对这个承诺失去了信心。随着少数大型科技公司的兴起,以及政府利用技术来监督公民,现在有许多人认为,技术只是在把权力集中起来,而不是分散权力。
There are important counter-trends to this --like encryption and cryptocurrency -- that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people's hands. But they come with the risk of being harder to control. I'm interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services.
This will be a serious year of self-improvement and I'm looking forward to learning from working to fix our issues together.
你的新年Personal challenge是什么?留言给我们吧~
- 1 从习近平的凝思感悟“何以中国” 7915855
- 2 间谍在浙江拍照没想到一路被监控 7944407
- 3 拜登在卡特葬礼上闭眼疑似睡着 7837272
- 4 遇到地震怎么办?牢记四个动作 7750193
- 5 SM员工说不要相信艺人说的话 7647390
- 6 鬼鬼回应:我没有结婚 7587609
- 7 18岁小伙嚼槟榔8年脸方成电视机 7432472
- 8 赵雅芝和儿子现身上海迪士尼 7337357
- 9 以为养胃其实伤胃的4个习惯 7286323
- 10 李昀锐一分钟800个小动作 7184553