小鼠能认出镜子里的自己,提示它们具备自我认知能力 | Neuron
【标题】Visuotactile integration facilitates mirror-induced self-directed behavior through activation of hippocampal neuronal ensembles in mice
【作者】Jun Yokose, William D. Marks, Takashi Kitamura
【时间】December 05, 2023
【摘要】Remembering the visual features of oneself is critical for self-recognition. However, the neural mechanisms of how the visual self-image is developed remain unknown because of the limited availability of behavioral paradigms in experimental animals. Here, we demonstrate a mirror-induced self-directed behavior (MSB) in mice, resembling visual self-recognition. Mice displayed increased mark-directed grooming to remove ink placed on their heads when an ink-induced visual-tactile stimulus contingency occurred. MSB required mirror habituation and social experience. The chemogenetic inhibition of dorsal or ventral hippocampal CA1 (vCA1) neurons attenuated MSB. Especially, a subset of vCA1 neurons activated during the mirror exposure was significantly reactivated during re-exposure to the mirror and was necessary for MSB. The self-responding vCA1 neurons were also reactivated when mice were exposed to a conspecific of the same strain. These results suggest that visual self-image may be developed through social experience and mirror habituation and stored in a subset of vCA1 neurons.
本文由 Cell Press 提供,“科研圈”编辑发布。相关内容禁止用于营销宣传。
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