AI 圈漫游指南:关于 AI 的 107 个人,61 个工具和 28 个通讯

百家 作者:AppSO 2023-02-10 20:29:55

ChatGPT 特稿

APPSO × 赛博禅心 创作者联名计划

对 AI 的恐惧来自未知,为了拨开迷雾,我们找到了 107 个最值得关注的 Twitter、61 个 AI 工具和 28 个通讯,帮你抽丝剥茧地解读 AI 世界。
这是一篇和以往全然不同的文章,也是 APPSO 开始 AI 实验的第一步,接下来我们会围绕 AI 做出更多前卫、大胆的操作,敬请期待。
APPSO:专注数字工具创新的创作者社区,当下聚焦 AI/ChatGPT 主题,提供最新观察及指南。
107 个值得关注的 Twitter
107 People to Follow on Twitter
为什么是 Twitter?
想到 AI,我脑海中第一时间跳出的社交平台是 Reddit、LinkedIn 和 Twitter。一直以来,这三个平台都以三种完全不同的方式参与着「关于 AI 的对话」,今天让我们从 Twitter 开始。
Twitter 为什么重要?
  • AI 领域的许多书籍作者、企业决策者和工具开发者经常使用 Twitter 并在此发表言论

  • Twitter 聚集了大量的天使投资人、风险投资人和记者,他们源源不断地提供着有价值的背景信息

因此,在 AI 的一波波浪潮中,Twitter 始终拥有着自己的「寓教于乐的小世界」。
但 2022 年,ChatGPT 的诞生让 Twitter 在这场 AI 热潮中显得尤为重要 —— 人们在 Twitter 上大量分享他们使用这个工具的过程,关于 Generative AI 和 GPT-3 /3.5 的看法及围绕它们而产生的行为 —— 无论炒作与否。
  • 在我看来,如果对 AI 充满热情,我们首先需要一个包含本领域记者、作家、决策者和公司的组合
  • 理想情况下,这其中既有女性也有男性,既有成熟的意见领袖也有年轻的研究人员或不完善的观点,既有批判性的记者也有意见多样的风险投资人
  • 我们需要更多讨论技术与落地而不是炒作与投机,那么还需要有足够的风险资本、天使投资人和决策者来帮助我们了解行业新闻和现实问题。
本名单包括 – The list includes:
– 研究人员 – Researchers
– 新闻工作者 – Journalists
– 创始人 &决策者 – Founders, Executives
– 选择性的投资人 – Selective VC folk
– 作家 – Authors
– AI 领域创作者 – A.I. Newsletter Niche Creators
1. Sam Altman (@sama)
– Foundetr of OpenAI
– Former president of Y Combinator
2. Yann LeCun (@ylecun)
– Professor at NYU
– Chief AI Scientist at Meta
3. Andrew Ng (@AndrewYNg)
– Co-Founder of Coursera
– Stanford CS adjunct faculty
– Former head of Baidu AI Group/Google Brain
4. François Chollet (@fchollet)
– Deep learning at Google
– Creator of Keras
– Author of ‘Deep Learning with Python’
5. Karen Hao 郝珂灵 (@_KarenHao)
– A.I. Journalist at WSJ
– National magazine award winner
6. Andrej Karpathy (@karpathy)
– YouTuber, Blogger, Influencer
– Previously Director of AI at Tesla, OpenAI
7. Jürgen Schmidhuber (@SchmidhuberAI)
– Co-director of the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence Research
– He has been referred to as “father of modern AI” and “father of deep learning”
8. Sara Hooker (@sarahookr)
– Head of AI at Cohere
– Formerly Research at Google Brain
9. Demis Hassabis (@demishassabis)
– Founder & CEO of DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs
10. Sarah Guo (@saranormous)
– Founder of Conviction A.I., Starup Investor
– Former partner at Greylock
11. David Hardmaru (@hardmaru)
– Head of Prompt Engineering at Stability AI
– Former Research Scientist at Google Brain
12. Lilian Weng (@lilianweng)
– Applied AI Lead at OpenAI
13. Oriol Vinyals (@OriolVinyalsML)
– Research Director & Deep Learning Lead at DeepMind
– Led AlphaStar, AlphaFold, AlphaCode, WaveNet, seq2seq, etc
– Former research scientist at Google Brain
14. Michael Black
– Director at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
– Chief Scientist at Meshcapade
15. Jeff Dean (@JeffDean)
– Senior Fellow & SVP, Google Research and AI
– Co-designer/implementor of software systems like TensorFlow, MapReduce, Bigtable, Spanner, etc
16. Ian Goodfellow (@goodfellow_ian)
– Research Scientist at DeepMind
– Inventor of GANs
– Lead author of
17. Aakanksha Chowdhery (@achowdhery)
– PaLM Lead at Google Brain
18. Peter H. Diamandis, MD (@PeterDiamandis)
– Founder of Singularity University, Xprize, Fountainlife
– Entrepreneur, Investor and Author
19. Gary Marcus (@GaryMarcus)
– Author of Rebooting.AI & Guitar Zero
– Founder of Geometric Intelligence (acq. by Uber) & RobustAI
20. Lucas Beyer (@giffmana)
– Researcher at Google Brain in Zürich
21. Sebastian Raschka (@rasbt)
– Author of Ahead of AI
– Machine learning & AI researcher
22. Cassie Kozyrkov (@quaesita)
– Chief Decision Scientist at Google
23. Kate Kaye (@KateKayeReports)
– Independent Journalist
– Formerly Protocol)
24. Emad (@EMostaque)
– Founder of Stability A.I.
25. Fei-Fei Li (@drfeifei)
– Co-Director at Stanford Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
– Co-Founder and Chair of AI4Allorg
26. Jim Fan (@DrJimFan)
– AI Scientist at Nvidia
27. Elvis Saravia (@omarsar0 )
– Builder of DAIR AI
– Former Scientist at Meta AI and Elastic
28. Connie Chan (@conniechan)
– General Partner at a16z
29. Hugo Larochelle (@hugo_larochelle)
– Researcher at Google Brain
– Machine learning professor
– Ex-Twitter Cortex
30. Benj Edwards (@benjedwards)
– AI and ML Reporter, Ars Technica
– Tech Historian
31. Becca Szkutak (@rebecca_szkutak)
– Journalist at Techcrunch
32. Sergey Levine (@svlevine)
– Professor at UCBerkeley
33. Eric Schmidt (@ericschmidt)
– Former Google CEO
34. Ilya Sutskever (@ilyasut)
– AGI at OpenAI
35. Patrick Mineault (@patrickmineault)
– Formerly Building 8
– Former Engineer at Google
36. Natasha Jaques (@natashajaques)
– Senior Research Scientist at Google AI and Berkeley AI
37. Pieter Abbeel (@pabbeel)
– Professor at Berkeley
– Founder of Covariant & Gradescope
– The Robot Brains Podcast Host
– Investment Partner at AIX Ventures
38. Eliezer Yudkowsky (@ESYudkowsky)
– Co-Founder at Machine Intelligence Research Institute
39. Geoffrey Hinton (@geoffreyhinton)
– Professor at University of Toronto
– Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor of the Vector Institute
40. Brett Winton (@wintonARK)
– Chief Futurist at Ark Invest
41. Jeff Clune (@jeffclune)
– Associate Professor at University British Columbia
– Faculty Member of Vector Institute
42. Sridhar Ramaswamy (@RamaswmySridhar)
– Co-Founder of Neeva & NXYZ Data
– Venture Partner at Greylock
– Former SVP at Google
43. Ben Tossell (@bentossell)
– Author of Ben’s Bites
44. John Schulman (@johnschulman2)
– Co-Founder of OpenAI
45. Ahsen Khaliq (@_akhaliq)
– Author of AK’s Substack
– Founder of Gradio, acquired by HuggingFace
46. Quoc Le (@quocleix)
– Principal Scientist at Google Brain
47. Jack Clark (@jackclarkSF)
– Founder of Anthropic AI
– Co-Chair at Indexing AI
– Formerly at OpenAI
48. merve (@mervenoyann)
– Hugging Face (Merve Noyan)
49. David (@DavidSHolz)
– Founder of Midjourney and Leap Motion
– Formerly at NASA and Max Planck Institute
50. Nathan Lambert (@natolambert)
– Machine Learning Scientist at Hugging Face
– Democratizing Automation
51. Richard Socher (@RichardSocher)
– CEO at
52. Mustafa Suleyman (@mustafasuleymn)
– Co-Founder & CEO of InflectionAI
– Co-Founder of DeepMind
– Venture Partner at Greylock
– Former VP of AI at Google
53. Zoubin Ghahramani (@ZoubinGhahrama1)
– VP of Research at Google Brain
– Professor at University of Cambridge
54. Nathan Benaich (@nathanbenaich)
– Author of Guide to AI
55. John McDonnell (@johnvmcdonnell)
– Formerly at Stitch Fix, Square, Gureckis Lab
56. Bojan Tunguz (@tunguz)
– Senior Systems Software Engineer (Machine Learning) at Nvidia
57. Ben Goertzel (@bengoertzel)
– CEO at Singularity
58. Chris Olah (@ch402)
– Founder of Anthropic AI
– Formerly at OpenAI Clarity Team, Google Brain and Distill Pub
59. Ksenia Se (@Kseniase_)
– Author of TheSequence
60. Paul Graham (@paulg)
– Venture Capitalist
61. Russ Salakhutdinov (@rsalakhu)
– Former Apple AI
62. Greg Brockman (@gdb)
– President and Co-Founder of OpenAI
63. Vivek Natarajan (@vivnat)
– Advancing Medical AI at Google AI
– Former Researcher at Meta AI
64. Brian X. Chen (@bxchen)
– Journalist at New York Times
65. Anima Anandkumar (@AnimaAnandkumar)
– Professor at CalTech
– Senior Director of AI Research at NVIDIA
– Former Principal Scientist at AWS Cloud
66. Jeffrey Towson 陶迅 (@JeffreyTowson)
– Consultant
67. Thomas Wolf (@Thom_Wolf)
– Co-Founder of Hugging Face
68. John Platt (@johnplattml)
– Director of Applied Science at Google AI
69. Samanyou Garg (@SamanyouGarg)
– Founder & CEO of Writesonic
70. Kirk Bourne (@KirkDBorne)
– Data Scientist at DataPrime
71. Alberto Romero (@Alber_RomGar)
– Author of The Algorithmic Bridge
– Analyst at CambrianAI
72. Matthew Hutson (@SilverJacket)
– A.I. Freelance journalists
73. Tim Scarfe (@ecsquendor)
– YouTuber on Machine Learning
74. Jordan Burgess (@jordnb)
– Co-Founder of Humanloop
75. David Luan (@jluan)
– Founder of Adept AI
76. Connor Leahy (@NPCollapse)
– Founder of Conjecture & EleutherAI
77. Naveen Rao (@NaveenGRao)
– Co-Founder & CEO of MosaicML
– Former Nervana/IntelAI
78. Azeem Azhar (@azeem)
– Author of Exponential View
79. Suhail Doshi (@Suhail)
– Founder of Playground.AI & MixPanel
80. Max Jaderberg (@maxjaderberg)
– Director of Machine Learning at IsomorphicLabs
– Former research scientist at DeepMind
– Co-founder Vision Factory (acquired by Google)
81. Kyle Wiggers (@Kyle_L_Wiggers)
– Tech AI Journalist at TechCrunch
82. Wei Xu (@cocoweixu)
– Assistant Professor in CS at GeorgiaTech
83. Aidan Gomez (@aidangomezzz)
– Co-Founder & CEO of Cohere
84. Alexandr Wang (@alexandr_wang)
– Founder of Scale AI
85. Caiming Xiong (@CaimingXiong)
– VP of AI at Salesforce
86. Yi Ma (@YiMaTweets)
– Professor of EECS UC Berkeley & IDS HKU
87. Misha Denil (@notmisha)
– Research Scientist at DeepMind
88. Peter Lee (@peteratmsr)
– Corporate Vice President at Microsoft Research
89. Shivon Zilis (@shivon)
– Director of operations and special projects at Neuralink
90. Jacky Liang (@jackyliang42)
– PhD Student at CMU
– Author of Last Week in AI
91. Vin Vashishta (@v_vashishta)
– High ROI Data Science
92. Xuedong Huang (@xdh)
– Technical Fellow atMicrosoft, Azure AI
93. Hannah Fry (@FryRsquared)
– Tech Author
94. Ravi Mhatre (@ravi_lsvp)
– Lightspeed Ventures
95. clem (@ClementDelangue)
– Co-Founder & CEO of Hugging Face
– Founder of MoodStocks, acquired by Google
96. Hattie Zhou (@oh_that_hat)
– PhD Student at Université de Montréal and Mila
97. Sapna Maheshwari (@sapna)
– Journalist at New York Times
98. Vidhi Lalchand (@VRLalchand)
– PhD student in Machine Learning at Cambridge
99. Santiago L Valdarrama (@svpino)
– Machine Learning Freelancer and Technical Writer
100. Vincent Boucher (@ceobillionaire)
– President of Montreal AI
101. Yannic Kilcher (@ykilcher)
– YouTube Creator
102. Matt Bornstein (@BornsteinMatt)
– Partner at a16z
103. Lachy Groom (@lachygroom)
– Angel Investor
– Founder BleedingEdge
– Formerly at Stripe
104. Riley Goodside (@goodside)
– Chief Scientist at Scale AI
– Former Data Scientist at OkCupid and Grindr
105. Amjad Masad (@amasad)
– CEO & Head of Engineering of Replit
106. Noam Brown (@polynoamial)
– AI Research Scientist at MetaAI
– Co-created Libratus/Pluribus, the first superhuman no-limit poker AIs
– Co-created CICERO
107. Shital Shah (@sytelus)
– Machine Intelligence, Deep Learning, Neural Architectures
在编写这份名单的过程中,我曾尝试用「通了网的 ChatGPT」查找以上人员的基本信息,不出意外,错误率达无法使用的程度以上 —— 不禁感慨,在当下,人作为信息的搜集者、创意的生成者、内容的生产者,其存在依旧是有不可替代的意义的,相信未来亦是如此。
61 个 AI 工具
61 AI Tools Neither Named ChatGPT Nor Midjourney
1. A.I Code Reviewer
如果代码有什么问题,AI 知道,如果你有任何问题,也可以直接问 AI
AI reviews your code. If there is something wrong with your code, AI will let you know. If you have any questions, you can also ask the AI directly.
2. AI Dungeon (Gaming, Fantasy)
A text-based adventure-story game you direct (and star in) while the AI brings it to life. As a gamer I find this intriguing. The game features AI technology that uses an adapting to situations interface offering an immersive experience of the story. The potential for Mods is high.
3. AI Recipe Generator
What about real life? We all need to eat. Recipe Generator offers a fast and easy way to create custom recipes. All you need to do is create an account, enter the ingredients you have at home, and the website will send you a unique recipe to your email.
4. Aiva.AI
AIVA 是 Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist(人工智能虚拟艺术家)的缩写,如果你对音乐十分感兴趣,想创造自己的音乐,或者只是想尝试创造音乐,你都需要这个工具,它可以帮助你创造音乐,即便你的作曲知识为零
An acronym for Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist, This is a different type of Ai if you have a lot of interest in Music and if you want to create your own music or just want to try creating music, all you need is this AI because it helps you to create music even if you have zero knowledge of creating music . This AI is a great help for Music Creators and Music Lovers.
5. Anime AI
谁不喜欢动漫呢?基于个人照片,用 AI 一次生成 100 种风格的动漫头像
Because, who doesn’t like Anime (great for kids). Anime AI is an AI-based photo generator that allows you to create your perfect anime avatar with AI. It has a selection of styles to choose from, including One Piece, Naruto, Webtoon, and more. It will generate 100 personalized photos based on your initial photo and the chosen styles. It uses powerful GPUs to generate the photos and the original photo is stored in France, in compliance with GDPR laws. The generated photos are stored for an unlimited time and the size of the generated photos is currently 512px by 512px.
6. AssemblyAI
构建由 AI 驱动的一系列功能,如文字转录、说话人检测、总结等,让开发者和产品团队通过简单的 API 使用开箱即用的、最先进的模型
Start building AI-powered features like AI Transcription, Speaker Detection, Summarization, and more. AssemblyAI gives developers and product teams access to production-ready, state-of-the-art models through our simple API.
7. AutoDraw
The AutoDraw here is something for Kids and Creators because it lets you draw anything in a pad and if you have written something closer to some object the AI will automatically make your drawing look like a real object . For example, you draw an oval shaped ball but the AI will convert it into a round ball, Ai AutoDraw is a new web-based tool that pairs machine learning with drawings created by talented artists to help you draw. Google AutoDraw works on your phone, computer, or tablet and the good thing is that it is free, so go and try it today. Turn your creepy drawing into a good one
8. Bearly
Bearly makes you 10x faster by adding state of the art AI to your workflow. Reading, writing, and content creation are all one shortcut away.
9. Bloom
基于多种语言模型的 AI 驱动的商业数据实时可视化平台
The Bloom is an AI data delivery Platform & Multi Language Model, Bloom ONE is a modern web-scale business intelligence platform for business teams to be more insights-driven every day. The platform enables you to move beyond fragmented and complex information into one seamless experience for real-time actionable insights. Just like ChatGPT, Bloom also trained with many data sets for human interaction and data delivery with more than 330 Gb of data.
10. Brancher AI
Connect AI models to build AI apps in minutes, with no-code.
11. Boomy (Music)
Boomy is an AI-powered music automation tool that allows users to create and save original songs in seconds and distribute them to all major streaming services and stores worldwide. With Boomy, users can customize their songs with production and composition features and add vocals, and receive a share of royalties when their songs are played on networks such as Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, and YouTube.
12. Chatsonic (by Writersonic)
NLP 对话式 AI 聊天机器人,能理解语音命令,并自动生成准确、高相关性且吸引人的内容
Chatsonic is a conversational AI chatbot using NLP, understands voice commands, and automatically generates content that is accurate, relevant, and engaging.
13. Codex
Yet another product of the OpenAI API, Codex functions differently than more popular AI tools. The tool is capable of translating natural language to code and is proficient in over a dozen programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, Go, Perl and Ruby, among others. Applications are targeted at business use cases for now but include magical abilities like simply using voice commands to control any software based on an API.
14. CommonSim-1
由一张图片或一段文字描述生成 3D 模型和视频
A longstanding dream in generative AI has been to digitally synthesize dynamic 3D environments – interactive simulations of objects, spaces, and agents. CommonSim-1 uses generative AI to produce 3D models and videos from a single image or description in text.
15. Connect ChatGPT with Whatsapp
让 WhatsApp 变成 AI 助手
Imagine having the power of artificial intelligence next to your conversations on WhatsApp. Download the instructions from GitHub (
16. Cover Letter AI
Cover Letter AI is an AI-powered tool that helps you write professional and personalized cover letters in minutes. It allows users to upload their CV and fill out initial information such as job description, writing style, and skills to focus on. The tool then generates different versions of cover letters that can be edited and improved until the user is satisfied with the results.
17. Craftly.AI
通过超过 10,000 小时的垂直领域专家内容培训,以你喜欢的专业方式创作原创、高转化率的内容和模板
Not just another repetitive or basic AI Copywriter – We’re trained on 10,000+ hours of expert content in your industry. Discover tools for original, high-converting content the way you like it. Huge library of templates.
18. Deciphr AI (Podcasts)
Deciphr is an AI-powered platform that helps podcasters save time and generate detailed show notes and timestamps from their podcast transcripts or audio files. It is completely free and helps podcasters scale their content production with ease.
19. DeepBeat
DeepBeat is a program which uses machine learning techniques to generate rap lyrics by combining lines from existing rap songs.
Deepdub plugs into the post production process of content owners and takes complete ownership of all of their localization needs. They use AI to automate the process of dubbing audio and video to make it less manual, producing results in weeks as opposed to months. They are thus able to prove the massive potential for foreign-language programming to become a hit in overseas markets.
21. Descript
Descript is the only tool you need to write, record, transcribe, edit, collaborate, and share your videos and podcasts. Remove video backgrounds, filler words & background noise. Clone your voice. In one click. Use the power of AI & skip the hard part of editing videos.
22. Genius Sheets (Finance)
Generate reports, financial models, and instant analysis from Text Prompts.
23. GitHub Copilot for Business (Coding)
基于 OpenAI Codex 在编辑器中实时提供代码建议
GitHub Copilot uses the OpenAI Codex to suggest code and entire functions in real-time, right from your editor.
24. GPTZero
为教育从业者准备的 AI 生成文档检测器
Educators! GPTZero turns the very technologies used to build ChatGPT around — to detect AI. It uses variables like perplexity to fingerprint AI involvement.
25. Grain (sales)
Capture & share insights from customer meetings. Grain transforms video meetings into your company’s most valuable asset by enabling teams to easily record meetings, share highlights and build knowledge from all conversations.
26. Grammarly
用 AI 驱动的 Windows 软件清晰无误地写作
Compose bold, clear, mistake-free writing with Grammarly’s new AI-powered desktop Windows app.
27. Imagine Me
上传 10-20 张个人照片创建个性化模型,输入想法,生成图像
Imagine Me is an online platform that lets users generate AI art of themselves just by typing a text description. With the platform, users can create a personal model of themselves by uploading 10-20 varied pictures of themselves in good quality. Once the model is finished training, users can generate images by selecting their model and typing something that comes to mind. The platform also provides users with inspiration and showcases the prompts that work best. It also offers credits for customers to purchase at a discounted rate.
28. Inworld AI (Gaming)
生成逼真的 AI 角色,用于游戏、虚拟世界、娱乐等领域
Inworld AI provides a platform for developers and creators to generate realistic AI characters for use in games, virtual worlds, entertainment, digital workforces, and more.
29. Jasper.AI
Jasper is the AI Content Generator that helps you and your team break through creative blocks to create amazing, original content 10X faster.
30. Jenni.AI
与 AI 一起更顺畅地写作
Jenni is the AI assistant that keeps you in the driver’s seat. Jenni works with you as you write, and once you write with Jenni you can never go back.
31. Lensa A.I. (profile pictures)
(Magic Avatars) Lensa is a brand new way of making your selfies look better, than you could have ever imagined. Forget about conventional filters and photo editing tools.
32. Lex.Page
Unlock your best writing.
33. Lexica
基于 Stable Diffusion 的搜索引擎,在 Discord 中使用!
The Stable Diffusion search engine. With Discord.
34. Luma Lab
用照片生成 3D 视频(NeRF),用文字生成 3D 模型(pending)
Photorealistic, high quality 3D, now for everyone! Luma is a new way to create incredible lifelike 3D with AI using your iPhone. Easily capture products, objects, landscapes and scenes wherever you are. From your captures, create cinematic product videos, impossible camera moves for TikTok, or just relive the moment. No need for Lidar or fancy equipment.
35. Lumen5
Grow your brand and drive demand with video at scale. Our online video creator makes it easy for anyone on your team to create engaging video content in minutes.
36. Mem.AI
让 AI 组织团队工作,从会议记录、项目到知识库,即时搜索,随时查看
Let AI organize your team’s work—from meeting notes, projects, to knowledge bases. All instantly searchable and readily discoverable. Mem is the world’s first AI-powered workspace that’s personalized to you. Amplify your creativity, automate the mundane, and stay organized automatically.
37. Mindgrasp
Mindgrasp instantly creates accurate notes and answers questions from any Document, PDF, YouTube Video, Zoom Meeting, Webinar Recording, Podcast and much more!
38. Mintlify
Automate beautiful documentation that converts users. Build the documentation you’ve always wanted. Beautiful outside of the box, easy to maintain, and optimized for user engagement.
39. Murf
适用于 20 种语言的语音生成工具,120 种声音可选,轻松实现文本到语音的即时转换,获得完美 AI 配音
AI Voice Generator in 20 languages. 120+ realistic text to speech voices to create the perfect AI voiceover. Go instantly from text to voice with ease.
40. Mutiny
面向 B2B 平台的无代码 AI 营销工具,帮助营销人员将漏斗顶部需求转化为收入,无需工程师,对每一个可以想到的细分市场进行 A/B 测试
A no-code AI platform that helps marketers convert their top of funnel demand into revenue, without engineers. Use A.I. to A/B test every segment imaginable. Mutiny makes it easy to target and convert B2B buyers on your site with web personalization.
41. Neeva AI
Search powered by AI. Get answers. Not ads. In particular their Premium app is maybe the best search engine powered by A.I. out there. NeevaAI is the latest feature of the search engine. NeevaAI analyzes the user’s query and produces a single answer that summarizes content from the “most relevant sites to a query”. Unlike ChatGPT, which does not reveal sources, NeevaAI cites the sources that it used to create the response to the user’s query.
42. Notion AI
用 Notion 灵活解决你的一切工作
With Notion, all your work is in one place. Get Started for free. Sign up here. Hassle-free wiki software. Better shared docs. Infinite flexibility.
43. Paragraph AI
Write better, faster. Endless use. Write efficient and effective content for any purpose.
44. Perplexity AI (Ask Anything)
由 OpenAI API 和搜索引擎驱动,准确度受限的搜索引擎 
Perplexity is powered by large language models (OpenAI API) and search engines. Accuracy is limited by search results and AI capabilities.
Generate realistic Text to Speech (TTS) audio using our online AI Voice Generator and the best synthetic voices. Instantly convert text into natural-sounding speech and download as MP3 and WAV audio files.
46. Poised
AI 私人沟通教练,帮你更自信清晰地说话
Poised is the AI-powered communication coach that helps you speak with confidence and clarity. Private and secure, an essential tool for digital-first workplaces.
47. PowerMode AI
Idea-to-slides, in seconds
48. Pragma
Are you tired of spending hours trying to find the right answers to customer questions or struggling to craft the perfect outreach message?
49. Resemble
Make talking avatar videos.
让社交媒体内容的复用变得简单,自动适应并分发可复用内容至 YouTube、TikTok、Lives、
Podcast、Instagram、Dropbox、Pinterest 等主流平台
Repurposing content to social media has been made easy. Automatically repurpose YouTube, TikTok, Lives, Podcasts, and Zoom calls.
51. Runway
基于浏览器的视频创作套件,通过 30 余种工具提供视频生成、实时视频编辑、协作等功能
With 30+ AI Magic Tools, real-time video editing, collaboration, and more, Runway is your next-generation content creation suite. Right inside your browser.
52. Rytr
在几秒内以极低成本创建高质量的内容,同时可实现个人博客等内容的最佳 SEO
Rytr is a top AI tool for AI writing assistants that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost! This one line explained everything about Rytr. It will help you to create the best SEO rated Line for your Blog, content, and much more. Use the powerful, richtext editor to go from raw ideas to a polished piece in no time — takes just about 15 mins to write a 1,000-word piece!
53. Smoking Robot AI
工具聚合器,帮助用户寻找并保存最新的 AI 工具
One of the better tool aggregators. AI tool directory helps users find, review, and stay up to date on the latest AI tools.
54. Socratic
If you are a student and you are struggling with your Math homework or any other subject, then the Socratic is the best Ai tool for you, Socratic was built to support Science, Math, Literature, Social Studies, and more. With help from teachers, Socratic brings you visual explanations of important concepts in each subject and Using text and speech recognition, the app surfaces with the most relevant learning resources for you.
评价最高的 AI 视频创作平台,数以万计的公司使用它来创建 120 种语言的视频,可节省高达 80% 的时间和预算
Synthesia is the #1 rated AI video creation platform. Thousands of companies use it to create videos in 120 languages, saving up to 80% of their time and budget.
56. Synthesys
Are you looking for a quick way to create a custom avatar of yourself or one of your team members?
57. Tabnine
面向软件开发人员的 AI 助理,辅助生成整行和全功能的代码,让代码写得更快,受到全球数百万开发者的信任
AI assistant for software developers. Code faster with whole-line & full-function code completions. Trusted by millions of developers worldwide.
58. TimelyAI
用 WhatsApp 管理你的日程,就像发信息给朋友一样简单
Customise your calendar using WhatsApp, witness your daily schedule and get timely reminders for all your meetings. Your memory troubles are cared for! With timelyAI you can organize your entire schedule via WhatsApp — it’s as easy as texting with a friend.
59. tweetGPT
Because writing Tweets yourself is just too hard.
60. Verbatik (text-to-speech)
文本到语音生成器,适用 142 种语言和口音,600 多种自然声音可供选择,允许用户创建高质量的文章和其他基于文本的内容的音频版本,具有强大的 SSML 功能,用户可自由修改
Verbatik is an AI-powered text-to-speech generator that offers a growing library of over 600+ natural-sounding voices in 142 languages and accents. It allows users to create high-quality audio versions of articles and other text-based content, with features such as a powerful sound studio, SSML features, and unlimited revisions.
61. Whisper AI
来自 OpenAI 的工具,它不作出回应,仅作为助听器存在,除了已经能够识别多种口音和专业术语外,Whisper 最大的优势在于能够不断自我改进
Whisper AI is another tool made by OpenAI, which, instead of giving back responses, functions as a hearing aid. Besides being capable of listening to and identifying multiple accents, and jargon, Whisper’s largest strength is its ability to continuously self-improve and grow even more capable at identifying communication.
以上工具英文介绍与 Lex.Page 共同创作 ✍
28 个值得关注的通讯
28 Newsletters on Substack, Medium, Beehiiv, LinkedIn & WordPress
  • The Road to AI We Can Trust by Gary Marcus

  • The Sequence

  • Ahead of AI By Sebastian Raschka

  • Towards AI

  • Artificial Intelligence By Andriy Burkov

  • Algorithmic Bridge by Alberto Romero

  • Sparks in the Wind by Francois Chollet

  • Artificial Intelligence Weekly by Steve Nouri

  • Last Week in A.I. by Jacky Liang and others

  • Guide to AI by Nathan Benaich

  • The Decoder by Matthias Bastian

  • Ben’s Bites by Ben Tossell

  • The A.I. Ethics Brief

  • Andrew Ng(吴恩达)- the Batch

  • The Machine Learning Engineer Newsletter

  • ChinAI by Jeffrey Ding

  • The Gradient by Andrey Kurenkov and many others

  • The Neuron by Pete Huang

  • Import AI by Jack Clark

  • Though the Noise by Alex Banks

  • Cassie Kozyrkov Artificial Intelligence Survey by Mike Spencer

  • Synced(机器之心)

    Davis Summarizes Papers

1 个值得关注的公众号


数字世界的工具指南,从手机到智能设备,从 App 到 AI 应用

本份调研报告出自于 AI 之手,不知道你发现了 AI 创作的痕迹吗?作者还用 AI 为每个 Twitter 都生成了一份简介,我们将它放在了推送的三条。
其中有很多内容是有错误的,感兴趣的朋友可以到次条来一起抓虫,批改 AI 的作业。
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