本期将为大家介绍华盛顿大学西雅图医学院 Harbourview 医学中心放射学系正开放博士后奖学金职位的信息。
本期的招募信息来自美国华盛顿大学(UW)医学院放射系助理教授朱成成(Chengcheng Zhu),他所在的课题组向大家提供了磁共振成像/分析博士后名额。
Two Postdoctoral Fellowship positions in neurovascular imaging/analysis are available immediately in the Department of Radiology at the University of Washington Seattle Medical School at Harborview Medical Center. Multiple NIH grants will fund the positions.
The prospective fellows will work with a multi-disciplinary group of experts including MRI physicists, radiologists, neuroscientists, and neurosurgeons at the University of Washington and its affiliated hospitals. Research projects will primarily focus on the development of MRI acquisition/reconstruction methods, or image processing/machine learning, and clinical applications. The institution is equipped with clinical 3T Siemens and clinical and research 3T Philips MRI scanners and facilities for imaging development, image processing, and clinical research. The position is available immediately and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and academic achievement. Comprehensive benefits are provided including medical insurance, retirement plan, university housing, childcare and so on.
Seattle is consistently ranked among the 10 best places to live in the United States by U.S. News. The University of Washington is highly ranked (No. 8 in US News Best Global Universities) with top-tier Medical School and Engineering schools. The research team has world-renowned researchers with continuous funding support from NIH. The individual training plan will be provided to post-docs to ensure success in securing future academic or industry jobs. Seattle has great job opportunities in both academia and industry.
Required Qualifications:
Completed Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, medical imaging-related field, and/or computer science. High motivation and strong interest in medical imaging research; Research experience in MRI or image processing/machine learning. Experience in vascular disease research is a plus but not required.
The University of Washington is an Equal Opportunity Employer encouraging excellence through diversity. Qualified women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
他曾在北大电子系取得学士学位,在英国剑桥大学获得博士学位,并于美国加州大学旧金山分校完成博士后培训。获美国 NIH 职业发展基金(K99/R00, 92万美元)和R01(250万美元)资助,并获得过 ISMRM junior fellow 等20多个国际奖项。发表SCI论文90多篇,其中以first/senior author在Circulation, JACC Imaging, Radiology, Stroke, JCMR, JNIS 等杂志发表论文50多篇。
目前,朱成成担任AJNR编委、 Frontiers in Neuroscience/Neurology 副主编(Associate Editor),同时担任Radiology, Stroke 等40余本期刊的审稿人,是美国NIH(国立卫生院)基金, 加拿大创新基金会以及瑞士自然科学基金会的评审专家。是国际心血管核磁共振学会(SCMR)交流委员会委员,国际血管核磁成像(SMRA)教育委员会委员。
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=5D-R4fIAAAAJ&hl=en
UW Radiology: https://rad.washington.edu/radiology-personnel/zhucheng/
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