直播预告丨Data Placement and Queue - Meetup 北美站
本次 Meetup 将于北京时间 6 月 10 日早 9:00 开讲!本期为“The Future of Modern Distributed SQL Databases”系列分享的第二期,PingCAP 联合创始人兼 CTO 黄东旭、高级数据库工程师裴立全将以 TiDB 的 Queue 和 Placement Rules 为例,共同探讨新型分布式数据库的未来。
Data Placement and Queue
Topic 1
Ed Huang
Co-founder and CTO, PingCAP
Ed will talk about the TiDB queue. When you build a modern application in the cloud, the three main pillars are compute, messaging, and database. There are several messaging models including queue and publish/subscribe. In this talk, Ed will focus on how TiDB supports the queue.
Topic 2
Liquan Pei
Senior Database Engineer, PingCAP
Liquan Pei will introduce Placement Rules. Introduced in v5.0, Placement Rules is a replica rule system which enables users to control data placement. Typical user scenarios include:
Merging databases running different applications to reduce the cost of database maintenance
Increasing the replica count for important data to improve application availability and data reliability
Storing new data on solid-state drives (SSDs) and storing old data into hard disk drives (HDDs) to lower the cost of data archiving and storage
Scheduling the leaders of hotspot data to high-performance TiKV instances
Separating cold data to lower-cost storage mediums to improve cost efficiency
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