大陆汽车系统(常熟)有限公司是德国大陆集团(Continental AG)在常熟投资的外商独资企业。德国大陆集团是全球500强企业之一的世界著名跨国公司。
工作地点: 常熟, 江苏
Job Tasks:
1. MEC and monthly report*
Complete MEC activities on time*
WP7 and CTL*
Piece cost*
Complete MEC activities on time*
Variance analysis*
Warranty accrual, Logistic cost accrual etc. *
Working capital reporting*
HC analysis with HR
2. CO key user*
As first level to troubleshooting SAP issue for end users*
Corporate with IT, ITCA, SCMA to implement SAP project*
Improvement and optimize business process*
Daily/Weekly/Monthly checking
3. Budget and FC activities*
Sales P3 report budget and FC*
Material usage FC*
Production target cost FC*
Complete activities in SAP based on excel planning*
Compensation finalization for uploading & Social benefit rate calculation*
Budget P&L, Package preparation*
Cost center summary for budget and forecast*
HC for budget and FC"
4. Reporting* P&L, BAF, Controllers letter forecast reporting input every month.*
FX report every quarter *
Business/Operation review package*
PCS and POC reporting*
Improve the quality of the reporting
5. Investment*
Customer owned tooling tracking*
Corporate with IE, purchasing, Maintenance to confirm spending and depreciation*
Improvement and optimize business process*
CEOS related WBS Daily checking*
ECR process supporting for daily operationJob
1. University graduate with major in finance or economics or similar discipline.
2. 3 – 5 years controlling relevant experience in production companies.
3. Good/excellent knowledge in English.
4. SAP FI/CO experience.



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